The following is a transcription of a replica reprint of the July 6, 1876 “Extra” edition of the Bismarck Tribune (Dakota Territories) that reports the details of what is today known as “Custer’s Last Stand.” The replica sheet is sold in the gift shop at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. (Several minor obvious typographical and spelling errors were corrected in the text below.)

George Armstrong Custer is buried in the cemetery at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. A picture of his gravesite is in the Banana Graveyard of



Price 25 Cents.            BISMARCK, D.T., JULY 6, 1876




3 Days Desperate Fighting
by Maj. Reno and the
Remainder of the

Full Details of the Battle.



Squaws Mutilate and Rob the Dead

Victims Captured Alive Tortured in a
Most Fiendish Manner.

What Will Congress Do About It?

Shall This be the Beginning of the End?

     It will be remembered the Bismarck Tribune sent a special correspondent with Gen. Terry, who was the only professional correspondent with the expedition. Kellogg’s last words to the writer were: “We leave the Rosebud tomorrow and by the time this reaches you we will have
                    MET AND FOUGHT
the red devils, with what result remains to be seen. I go with Custer and will be at the death.” How true! On the morning of the 22d Gen. Custer took up the line of march for the trail of the Indians, reported by Reno on the Rosebud. Gen. Terry, apprehending danger, urged Custer to take additional men, but Custer having full confidence in his men and in their ability to cope with the Indians in whatever force he might meet them, declined the proffered assistance and marched with his regiment alone. He was instructed to strike the trail of the Indians, to follow it until he discovered their position, and report by courier to Gen. Terry who would reach the mouth of Little Horn by the evening of the 26th, when he would act in concert with Custer in the final wiping out. At four o’clock, the afternoon of the 24th, Custer scouts reported the lcation of a village recently deserted, whereupon Custer went into camp, marching again at 11 p.m., continuing the march until daylight, when he again went into camp for coffee. Custer was then fifteen miles from the village located on the Little Horn, one of the branches of the Big Horn, twenty miles above its mouth, which could be seen from the top of the divide, and after lunch General Custer pushed on. The Indians by this time had discovered his approach and soon were seen mounting in great haste, riding here and there, it was presumed in full retreat. This idea was strengthened by finding a freshly abandoned Indian camp with a deserted tepee, in which one of their dead had been left, about six miles from where the battle took place. Custer with his usual vigor pushed on making seventy-eight miles without sleep, and attacked the village near its foot with companies C, E, F, I, and L, of the seventh cavalry, Reno having in the mean time attacked it at its head with three companies of cavalry which, being surrounded, after a desperate hand to hand conflict, in which many were killed and woulded, cut their way to a bluff about three hundred feet high, where they were reinforced by four companies of cavalry under Col. Benteen. In gaining this position Col. Reno had to recross the Little Horn, and at the ford the hottest fight occurred. It was here where Lieutenants McIntosh, Hodgson and Dr. DeWolf fell; where Charley Reynolds fell in a hand to hand conflict with a dozen or more Siouxs, emptying several chambers of his revolver, each time bringing down a red-skin before he was brought down—shot through the heart. It was here Bloody Knife surrendered his spirit to the one who gave it, fighting the natural and hereditary foes of his tribe, as well as the foes of the whites.
     The Sioux dashed up beside the soldiers in some instances knocking them from their horses and killing them at their pleasure. This was the case with Lt. McIntosh, who was unarmed except with a saber. He was pulled from his horse, tortured and finally murdered at the pleasure of the red devils. It was here that Fred Girard was separated from the command and lay all night with the screeching fiends dealing death and destruction to his comrades within a few feet of him, and, but time will not permit us to relate the story, through some means succeeded in saving his fine black stallion in which he took so much pride. The ford was crossed and the summit of the bluffs, having, Col. Smith says, the steepest sides that he ever saw ascended by a horse or mule, reached, though the ascent was made under a galling fire.
     The companies engaged in this affair were those of Captain Boylan, French and McIntosh. Col. Reno had gone ahead with these companies in obedience to the order of Gen. Custer, fighting most gallantly, driving back repeatedly the Indians who charged in their front, but the fire from the bluff being so galling, forced the movement heretofore alluded to. Signals were given and soon Benteen with the four companies in reserve came up in time to save Reno from the fate with which Custer about this time met. The Indians charged the hill time and again but were each time repulsed with heavy slaughter by its gallant defenders. Soon, however, they reached bluffs higher than those occupied by Reno; and opened a destructive fire from points beyond the reach of cavalry carbines. Nothing being heard from Custer, Col. Weir was ordered to push his command along the bank of the river in the direction he was supposed to be, but he was soon driven back, retiring with difficulty. About this time the Indians received strong reinforcements, and literally swarmed the hill sides and on the plains, coming so near at times that stones were thrown into the ranks of Col. Reno’s command by those unarmed or out of amunition. Charge after charge in quick succession, the fight being sometimes almost hand to hand. But they drew off finally, taking to the hills and ravines. Col. Benteen charged a large party in a ravine, driving them from it in confusion. They evidently trusted in their numbers and did not look for so bold a movement. They were within range of the corral and wounded several packers, J. C. Wagoner, among the number, in the head, while many horses and mules were killed. Near 10 o’clock the fight closed, and the men worked all night strengthening their breastworks, using knives, tin cups and plates, in place of spades and picks, taking up the fight again in the morning. In the afternoon of the second day the desire for water became almost intolerable. The wounded were begging piteously for it; the tongues of the men were swollen and their lips parched, and from lack of rest they were almost exhausted. So a bold attempt was made for water. Men volunteered to go with canteens and camp kettles, though to go was almost certain death. The attempt succeeded though in making it one man was killed and several wounded. The men were relieved, and that night the animals were watered. The fight closed at dark, opening again next morning, and continuing until the afternoon of the 27th. Meantime the men became more and more exhausted and all wondered what had become of Custer. A panic all at once was created among the Indians and they stampeded, from the hills and from the valleys, and the village was soon deserted except for the dead. Reno and his brave band felt that succor was nigh as Gen. Terry came in sight, and strong men wept upon each others necks, but no word was had from Custer. Hand shaking and congratulations were scarcely over when Lt. Bradley reported that he had found Custer dead, with one hundred and ninty cavalry men. Imagine the effect. Words cannot picture the feeling of these, his comrades and soldiers. Gen. Terry sought the spot and found it to be too true. Of those brave men who followed Custer, all perished; no one lives to tell the story of the battle. Those deployed as skirmishers lay as they fell, shot down from every side, having been entirely surrounded in an open plain. The men in the companies fell in platoons, and like those on the skirmish line, lay as they fell, with their officers behind them in their proper positions. General Custer, who was shot through the head and body, seemed to have been among the last to fall, and around and near him lay the bodies of Col. Tom and Boston, his brothers, Col. Calhoun, his brother-in-law, and his nephew young Reed, who insisted on accompanying the expedition for pleasure, Col. Cook and the members of the non-commissioned staff all dead—all stripped of their clothing and many of them with bodies terribly mutilated. The squaws seem to have passed over the field and crushed the skulls of the wounded and dying with stones and clubs. The heads of some were severed from the body, the privates of some were cut off, while others bore traces of torture, arrows having been shot into their private parts while yet living, or other means of torture adopted. The officers who fell were as follows: Gen. G. A. Custer, Cols. Geo. Yates, Miles Keogh, James Calhoun, W. W. Cook, Capts. McIntosh, A. E. Smith, Lieutenants Riley, Critenden, Sturgis, Harrington, Hodgson and Porter, Asst. Surgeon DeWolf. The only citizens killed were Boston Custer, Mr. Reed, Charley Reynolds, Isiah, the interperter from Ft. Rice and Mark Kellogg, the latter the Tribune correspondent. The body of Kellogg alone remained unstripped of its clothing, and was not mutilated. Perhaps as they had learned to respect the Great Chief, Custer, and for that reason did not mutilate his remains they had in like manner learned to respect this humble shover of the lead pencil and to that fact may be attributed this result. The wounded were sent to the rear some founteen miles on horse litters striking the Far West sixty odd miles up the Big Horn which point they left on Monday at noon reaching Bismarck nine hundred miles distant at 10 p.m.
     The burial of the dead was sad work but they were all decently interred. Many could not be recognized; among the latter class were some of the officers. This work being done the command wended its way back to the base where Gen. Terry awaits supplies and approval of his plans for the future campaign.
     The men are worn out with marching and fighting, and are almost wholly destitute of clothing.
     The Indians numbered at least eighteen hundred lodges in their permanent camp, while those who fought Crook seem to have joined them, making their effective fighting force nearly four thousand. These were led by chiefs carrying flags of various colors, nine of whom were found in a burial tent on the field of battle. Many other dead were found on the field, and near it ten squaws at one point in the ravine—evidently the work of Ree or Crow scouts.
     The Indian dead were great in number, as they were constantly assaulting an inferior force. The camp had the appearance of being abandoned in haste. The most gorgeous ornaments were found on the bodies of the dead chiefs and hundreds of finely dressed and painted robes and skins were thrown about the camp. The Indians were certainly severely punished.
     We said of those who went into battle with Custer none are living—one Crow scout hid himself in the field, and witnessed and survived the battle. His story is plausible, and is accepted, but we have not room for it now. The names of the wounded are as follows:
                    LIST OF WOUNDED
     Private Davis Corey, Co. 1, 7th Cav., right hip; Patrick McDonnall, D, left leg; Sergt. John Paul, H, back; Priv. Michael C. Madden, K, right leg; Wm. George, H, left side, died July 3d, at 4 a.m.; 1st Sergt. Wm. Heyn, A, left knee; Priv. John McVay, C, hips; Patrick Corcoran, K, right shoulder; Max Wilke, K, left foot; Alfred Whitaker, C, right elbow; Peter Thompson, C, right hand; Jacob Deal, A, face; J. H. Meyer, M, back; Roman Rutler, M, right shoulder; Daniel Newell, M, left thigh; Jas. Muller, H, right thigh; Elijah T. Stroude, A, right leg; Sergt. Patrick Carey, M, right hip; Privt. James E. Benett, C, body, died July 5th, at 3 o’clock; Francis Reeves, A, left side and body; James Wilbur, M, left leg; Jasper Marshall, L, left foot; Sergt. James T. Riley, F, back and left leg; Privt. John J. Phillips, H, face and both hands; Samuel Severy, H, both thighs; Frank Brunn, M, face and left thigh; Corpl. Alex B. Bishop, H, right arm; Privt James Foster, A, right arm; W. E. Harris, M, left breast; Chas. H. Bishop, H, right arm; Fred Homsted, A, left wrist; Sergt Chas. White, M, right arm; Privt Thos. P. Varner, M, right ear; Chas. Campbell, C, right shoulder; John Cooper, H, right elbow; John McGuire, C, right arm; Henry Black, H, right hand; Daniel McWilliams, H, right leg.
     An Indian scout, name unknown, left off at Birthold; Sergt M. Riley, Co. I, 7th Infantry, left off at Buford, Consumption; Privt David Ackison, Co. E, 7th cav., left off, July 4th, at Buford, Constipation.
     The total number of killed was two hundred and sixty one; wounded 52. Thirty-eight of the wounded were brought down on the Far West; three of them died en route. The remainder are cared for at the field hospital.
     De Rudio had a narrow escape, and his escape is attributed to the noise of beavers, jumping into the river during the engagement. De Rudio followed them, got out of sight, and after hiding for twelve hours or more finally reached the command in safety.
     The body of Lt Hodgson did not fall into the hands of the Indians; that of Lt. McIntosh did, and was badly mutilated. McIntosh, though a half-breed, was a gentleman of culture and esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a family at Lincoln, as does Gen. Custer, Cols. Calhoun, Yates, Capt. Smith, and Lt. Porter. The unhappy Mrs. Calhoun loses a husband, three brothers and a nephew. Lt. Harrington also had a family, but no trace of his remains was found. We are indebted to Col. Smith for the following full list of the dead; to Dr. Porter for the list of wounded, which is also full:
     Field and staff, George A. Custer, Brevt. Major General.
     W. W. Cook, Brevt. Lt-Colonel.
     Lord, Asst. Surgeon, J. M. DeWolf, Acting Asst. Surgeon.
     N. C. Staff, W. W. Sharrow, Surg Major.
     Henry Voss, chief Insptr.
A  Henry Dallans .. .. .. .. .. Corp.
 ”   G. K. King .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. E. Armstrong .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   James Drinaw .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Wm. Moody .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   R. Rowlins .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   James McDonald .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   John Sullivan .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Thos. P. Switzer .. .. .. .. .. ”
B  Benj. Hodgson .. .. .. 2d Lieut
 ”   Richard Doran .. .. .. Privt
 ”   George Mask .. .. .. .. ”
C  T. W. Custer .. .. .. Brevt Lt-Col
 ”   H. M. Harrington .. .. .. 2d Lt
     The body of Lt. Harrington was not found, but
     it is reasonably certain that he was killed.
 ”   Edwin Baba .. .. .. .. .. 1st Sergt
 ”   Finley .. .. .. .. .. Sergt
 ”   Finkle .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   French .. .. .. .. .. Corpl
 ”   Foley .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Ryan .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Allen .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Criddle .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   King .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Bucknell .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Eisman .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Engle .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Brightfield .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Fanand .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Griffin .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hamel .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hattisoll .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Kingsoutz .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Lewis .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Mayer .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Mayer .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Phillips .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Russell .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Rix .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Ranter .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Short .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Shea .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Shade .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Stuart .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   St. John .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Thadius .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Van Allen .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Warren .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Windham .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Wright .. .. .. .. .. ”
D  Vincent Charley .. .. .. Farrier
 ”   Patrick Golden .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Edward Hansen .. .. .. ”
E  A. E. Smith .. .. .. Brevt Capt
 ”   E. Sturgis .. .. .. .. 2d Lt
     The body of Lt. Sturgis was not found, but
     it is reasonably certain he was killed.
 ”   F. Hohmeyer .. .. .. .. .. 1st Sergt
 ”   Egnen .. .. .. .. .. .. Sergt
 ”   James .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hagan .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Corp
L  James Calhoun .. .. .. .. 1st Lt
 ”   Miller .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Tweed .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Veller .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Cashan .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Kiefer .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Andrews .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Crisfield .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Harnington .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Haugge .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Kavaugh .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Lobering .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Mahoney .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Schmidt .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Lunon .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Semenson .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Riebold .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   O’Connell .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. J. Crittenden .. .. .. 20th Inf
 ”   Butler .. .. .. .. .. .. 1st Sergt
 ”   Warren .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Harrison .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Corpl
 ”   Gilbert .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Seiller .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Walsh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Teptr
 ”   Adams .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Assdely .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Burke .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Cheever .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   McGue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   McCarthy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Dugan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Maxwell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Scott .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Babcock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Perkins .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Tarbox .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Dye .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Tessler .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Galvin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Graham .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hamilton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Rodgers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Snow .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hughes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
K   D. Whitney .. .. .. .. .. .. 1st Sergt
 ”   Hughes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sergt
 ”   J. J. Callahan .. .. .. .. .. .. Corpl
 ”   Julius Helmer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Trptr
 ”   Eli U. T. Clair .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 I   M. W. Keogh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Col
     J. E. Porter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2d Lt
     The body of Lt. Porter was not found, but
     it is reasonably certain he was killed.
 ”   F. E. Varden .. .. .. .. .. .. 1st Sergt
 ”   J. Burtard .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   John Wild .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Corpl
 ”   G. C. Morris .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   S. T. Staples .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. M. Gucker .. .. .. .. .. .. Trptr
 ”   J. Patton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   H. A. Bailey .. .. .. .. .. .. Blacksmith
 ”   J. E. Broadhurst .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   J. Barry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. Conners .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   T. P. Downing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Mason .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Blorm .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Meyer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   McElroy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Trptr
 ”   Mooney .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Baker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Boyle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Bauth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Conner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Daring .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Davis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Farrell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hiley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Huber .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hime .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Henderson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Henderson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Leddisson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   O’Conner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Rood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Reese .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Smith 1st .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Smith 2nd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Smith 3rd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Stella .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Stafford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Schoole .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Smallwood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Tarr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Vaugant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Walker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Bragew .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Knight .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 F  G. W. Yates .. .. .. .. .. .. Capt
 ”   W. Van Rieley .. .. .. .. .. 2d Lt
 ”   Kenney .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1st Sergt
 ”   Nursey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sergt
 ”   Vickory .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Wilkinson .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Coleman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Capt
 ”   Feeman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Briody .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Brandon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Farrier
 ”   Manning .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Blacksmith
 ”   Atchison .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Brown 1st .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Brown 2nd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Bruce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Brady .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Burnham .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Cather .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Carney .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Dohman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Donnelly .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Gardiner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Hammon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Kline .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Krianth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Luman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Losse .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Milton Jas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Madson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Monroe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Ruddew .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Omeling .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Sicfous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Sanders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Wanew .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Way .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Lerock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Kidey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   E. C. Driscoll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   D. C. Gillette .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   C. H. Gross .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   F. P. Holcomb .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   M. E. Horn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Adam Hitismer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   P. Killey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Fred Lehman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Henry Lehman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   E. P. Lloyd .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   A. McIchargey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. Mitchell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. Noshaug .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. O’Bryan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. Parker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   F. J. Pitter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Geo. Post .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Jas. Quinn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Wm. Reed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. W. Rossberg .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   D. L. Lymons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. E. Troy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Chas. Van Bramer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   W. B. Whaley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
G  Daniel McIntosh .. .. .. .. .. .. 1st Lt
 ”   Edward Botzer .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Sergt
 ”   M. Considine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Jas Martin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Capt
 ”   Otto Mageman .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Benj. Wells .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Farrier
 ”   Henry Dose .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Trptr
 ”   Crawford Selby .. .. .. .. .. .. Saddler
 ”   Benj. F. Rodgers .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Andrew J. Moore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Jno. J. McGinniss .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Edward Stanley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Henry Seafferman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   John Papp .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
H  Geo Lee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Corpl
 ”   Julian D. Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   Thos. E. Meador .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
M  Miles F. O’Hara .. .. .. .. .. .. Sergt
 ”   Henry M. Scollier .. .. .. .. .. Corpl
 ”   Fred Stringer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   Henry Gordon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Privt
 ”   H. Klotzbursher .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   G. Lawrence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   W. D. Meyer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   G. E. Smith .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   D. Somers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   J. Tanner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   H. Tenley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
 ”   H. C. Voyt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
Boston Custer .. .. .. .. .. .. Civilian
Arthur Reed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
Mark Kellogg .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
Chas. Reynolds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
Frank C. Mann .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ”
                    INDIAN SCOUTS
Bloody Knife
Bobtailed Bull
Total number of Commissioned
     officers killed .. .. .. .. .. .. 14
Actg asst Surg .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
Enlisted men .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 237
Civilians .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5
Indian Scouts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3