Lee Harvey Oswald
Rose Hill Memorial Park
Ft. Worth, Texas
The cemetery office at Rose Hill Memorial Park will NOT give you directions to Oswald’s grave. There is no guarantee these directions are still accurate, as there is always the possibility Oswald or the marker that says “OSWALD” has been moved.
Take I-30 West from Dallas to East Loop 820 South in Ft. Worth. Go south on 820 about 2 miles; exit onto Lancaster Ave. and go east about 1.5 miles. Turn left off Lancaster straight into the cemetery. Do not go through the gate that is to your right, but go straight through the parking lot next to the cemetery office. (The office will be on your left. If you do enter the cemetery through the gate to your right, turn left and curve around to the left to where the parking lot exits to the road.) When you exit the parking lot turn left and follow the road that curves up and around to the right, heading towards the back of the cemetery, and going roughly parallel to the left perimeter of the cemetery. On your left will be graves and then a fence along the cemetery boundary, with houses beyond the fence. About 200 yards down the road you’ll reach a small 20-foot diameter traffic circle, perfectly round, where the road circles completely around it. This small perfect circle is the only one like it in the whole cemetery. When I visited years ago there was nothing but grass in the circle, but from the view on Google maps, there is now apparently a small building of some kind within the circle, probably a small columbarium or mausoleum building. Directly to the left, on the other side of the road from the circle, is a large tree. About 40 feet further up the road from the tree, and 20 feet in from the road, is Oswald’s small marker in the ground. (No standing tombstone.) It says only “OSWALD” on it, no first name, no dates.